RSMC Tokyo - Typhoon Center

  • List of names for tropical cyclones adopted by the ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee for the western North Pacific and the South China Sea (valid as of 2024)

  • Contributed by column I column II column III column IV column V
    Cambodia Damrey Kong-rey Nakri Krovanh Trases
    China Haikui Yinxing Fengshen Dujuan Mulan
    DPR Korea Kirogi Toraji Kalmaegi Surigae Meari
    Hong Kong, China Yun-yeung Man-yi Fung-wong Choi-wan Tsing-ma
    Japan Koinu Usagi Koto Koguma Tokage
    Lao PDR Bolaven Pabuk Nokaen Champi Ong-mang
    Macao, China Sanba Wutip Penha In-fa Muifa
    Malaysia Jelawat Sepat Nuri Cempaka Merbok
    Micronesia Ewiniar Mun Sinlaku Nepartak Nanmadol
    Philippines Maliksi Danas Hagupit Lupit Talas
    RO Korea Gaemi Nari Jangmi Mirinae Hodu
    Thailand Prapiroon Wipha Mekkhala Nida Kulap
    U.S.A. Maria Francisco Higos Omais Roke
    Viet Nam Son-Tinh Co-may Bavi Luc-binh Sonca
    Cambodia Ampil Krosa Maysak Chanthu Nesat
    China Wukong Bailu Haishen Dianmu Haitang
    DPR Korea Jongdari Podul Noul Mindulle Jamjari
    Hong Kong, China Shanshan Lingling Dolphin Lionrock Banyan
    Japan Yagi Kajiki Kujira Tokei Yamaneko
    Lao PDR Leepi Nongfa Chan-hom Namtheun Pakhar
    Macao, China Bebinca Peipah Peilou Malou Sanvu
    Malaysia Pulasan Tapah Nangka Nyatoh Mawar
    Micronesia Soulik Mitag Saudel Sarbul Guchol
    Philippines Cimaron Ragasa Narra Amuyao Talim
    RO Korea Jebi Neoguri Gaenari Gosari Doksuri
    Thailand Krathon Bualoi Atsani Chaba Khanun
    U.S.A. Barijat Matmo Etau Aere Lan
    Viet Nam Trami Halong Bang-Lang Songda Saola
    [Notes] These names are used sequentially.
    For example, if the last tropical cyclone of a year is Damrey, the first tropical cyclone of the following year will be Haikui.

    Original meanings of the names

    column I Meaning Contributed by
    Damrey Elephant Cambodia
    Haikui A kind of submarine animal whose appearance likes sunflower China
    Kirogi Wild goose DPR Korea
    Yun-yeung A species of duck (Aix galericulata), also the vernacular name of a popular drink in Hong Kong prepared by mixing tea with coffee Hong Kong, China
    Koinu Canis Minor; puppy Japan
    Bolaven Plateau in the southern part of LAO Lao PDR
    Sanba Placename in Macao Macao, China
    Jelawat A fresh water fish  Malaysia
    Ewiniar Chuuk traditional storm god Micronesia
    Maliksi Filipino adjective which means fast Philippines
    Gaemi Ant RO Korea
    Prapiroon God of rain Thailand
    Maria Chamorro woman's name U.S.A.
    Son-Tinh God of mountain in Vietnamese myth Viet Nam
    Ampil Tamarind Cambodia
    Wukong Famous hero in Chinese story China
    Jongdari Skylark DPR Korea
    Shanshan Name of young girls Hong Kong, China
    Yagi Capricorn; goat Japan
    Leepi The most beautiful waterfall in the end of Southern of Lao Lao PDR
    Bebinca Macanese milk pudding Macao, China
    Pulasan A kind of fruit Malaysia
    Soulik Traditional Pohnpei chief's title Micronesia
    Cimaron Philippine wild ox Philippines
    Jebi Swallow RO Korea
    Krathon A kind of fruit; santol Thailand
    Barijat Marshallese for coastal areas impacted by waves/winds U.S.A.
    Trami A kind of tree belonging to the rose family Viet Nam

    column II Meaning Contributed by
    Kong-rey Pretty girl in Khmer legend/the name of mountain Cambodia
    Yinxing A kind of tree China
    Toraji Broad bell flower DPR Korea
    Man-yi Name of a strait, now a reservoir Hong Kong, China
    Usagi Lepus; rabbit Japan
    Pabuk Big fresh water fish in Mekong River Lao PDR
    Wutip Butterfly Macao, China
    Sepat A fresh water fish with small climbing perch Malaysia
    Mun Yapese for month of June Micronesia
    Danas To experience; to feel Philippines
    Nari Lily RO Korea
    Wipha Name of woman Thailand
    Francisco Chamorro man's name U.S.A.
    Co-may A kind of grass Viet Nam
    Krosa Crane Cambodia
    Bailu A white deer, which stands for auspiciousness in Chinese language China
    Podul Willow tree DPR Korea
    Lingling Name of young girls Hong Kong, China
    Kajiki Dorado; spearfish Japan
    Nongfa Name of lake in Lao PDR Lao PDR
    Peipah A popular pet fish in Macao Macao, China
    Tapah A giant fresh water catfish Malaysia
    Mitag Yap woman's name; "My eyes" Micronesia
    Ragasa Sudden quickening of movement Philippines
    Neoguri Raccoon dog RO Korea
    Bualoi A kind of Thai dessert Thailand
    Matmo Heavy rain U.S.A.
    Halong A beautiful bay in Vietnam Viet Nam

    column III Meaning Contributed by
    Nakri A kind of flower Cambodia
    Fengshen God of wind China
    Kalmaegi Sea gull DPR Korea
    Fung-wong Phoenix (name of a peak) Hong Kong, China
    Koto Lyra; harp Japan
    Nokaen Name of bird; swallow Lao PDR
    Penha Placename in Macao, China Macao, China
    Nuri Blue crowned parroquet in the Malay language Malaysia
    Sinlaku Kosrae legendary goddess Micronesia
    Hagupit Lash; flog Philippines
    Jangmi Rose RO Korea
    Mekkhala Angel of thunder Thailand
    Higos Chamorro word for "fig" U.S.A.
    Bavi A mountain chain in northern Viet Nam Viet Nam
    Maysak A kind of tree Cambodia
    Haishen God of sea China
    Noul Glows; red sky DPR Korea
    Dolphin A Chinese white dolphin which lives in Hong Kong waters, and also a mascot of Hong Kong Hong Kong, China
    Kujira Cetus; whale Japan
    Chan-hom A kind of tree Lao PDR
    Peilou Name of bird Macao, China
    Nangka Jackfruit Malaysia
    Saudel Chief Soudelor's trusted guard/soldier Micronesia
    Narra A kind of tree Philippines
    Gaenari A kind of flower RO Korea
    Atsani Lightening flash Thailand
    Etau Palauan word for "storm cloud" U.S.A.
    Bang-Lang A kind of flower Viet Nam

    column IV Meaning Contributed by
    Krovanh A kind of tree Cambodia
    Dujuan Azalea China
    Surigae A kind of eagles DPR Korea
    Choi-wan Colorful cloud Hong Kong, China
    Koguma Ursa Minor; little bear Japan
    Champi Red jasmine flower Lao PDR
    In-fa Fireworks Macao, China
    Cempaka Plant that known for its fragrant flowers Malaysia
    Nepartak Famous Kosrae warrior Micronesia
    Lupit Cruel; viciousness Philippines
    Mirinae Milky way RO Korea
    Nida Name of woman Thailand
    Omais Palauan word for "wandering around" U.S.A.
    Luc-binh An aquatic plant which has purple flowers that bloom all year (Eichhornia crassipes Solms) Viet Nam
    Chanthu A kind of flower Cambodia
    Dianmu Mother of lightning China
    Mindulle Dandelion DPR Korea
    Lionrock Name of a peak in Hong Kong, which overlooks Kowloon Peninsula Hong Kong, China
    Tokei Horologium; clock Japan
    Namtheun River, which is one of the tributaries of Mekong River Lao PDR
    Malou Agate Macao, China
    Nyatoh A type of tree Malaysia
    Sarbul Monsoon/rainy season Micronesia
    Amuyao A mountain in Mountain Province, Philippines Philippines
    Gosari Bracken RO Korea
    Chaba Tropical flower (the shoeflower, genus hibiscus) Thailand
    Aere A storm U.S.A.
    Songda A river in northwestern Viet Nam Viet Nam

    column V Meaning Contributed by
    Trases Woodpecker Cambodia
    Mulan A kind of flower China
    Meari Reflection of sound or echo DPR Korea
    Tsing-ma A landmark bridge connecting the airport and urban areas in Hong Kong Hong Kong, China
    Tokage Lacerta; lizard Japan
    Ong-mang The name of animal "Eld's Deer", which is listed as rare and endangered of the IUCN and endangered species in Lao PDR Lao PDR
    Muifa Plum blossom Macao, China
    Merbok A type of bird Malaysia
    Nanmadol A famous Pohnpei ruin; the "Venice of the Pacific" Micronesia
    Talas Sharpness; acuteness Philippines
    Hodu Walnut RO Korea
    Kulap Rose Thailand
    Roke Chamorro man's name U.S.A.
    Sonca A singing bird Viet Nam
    Nesat Fishing Cambodia
    Haitang Chinese flowering crabapple China
    Jamjari A dragonfly DPR Korea
    Banyan A kind of tree Hong Kong, China
    Yamaneko Lynx; cat that lives in mountains and forests Japan
    Pakhar A fresh water fish, which lives in lower Mekong River Lao PDR
    Sanvu Coral Macao, China
    Mawar Rose Malaysia
    Guchol Yapese word for the spice turmeric Micronesia
    Talim Sharp or cutting edge Philippines
    Doksuri Eagle RO Korea
    Khanun Thai fruit (Jackfruit) Thailand
    Lan Marshallese for storm U.S.A.
    Saola An animal recently found in Viet Nam Viet Nam