Home > News Releases > WMO/ASEAN Training Workshop on Weather Radar Data Quality Control and Radar Data Exchange held in Bangkok, Thailand, with JMA support

WMO/ASEAN Training Workshop on Weather Radar Data Quality Control and Radar Data Exchange held in Bangkok, Thailand, with JMA support (29 January – 2 February 2024)

    The World Meteorological Organization (WMO)/the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Training Workshop on Weather Radar Data Quality Control and Radar Data Exchange was hosted by the Thai Meteorological Department (TMD) from 29 January to 2 February 2024 in Bangkok, Thailand, with full support from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). This was a joint initiative under the Regional WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) project titled Capacity Building in Radar Techniques in Southeast Asia and the ASEAN project on weather radar, which share common goals for the region. The activity was in line with the direction of the United Nations’ Early Warnings for All initiative (launched in 2022), which aims to protect everyone on Earth from natural hazard by early warnings.

    The workshop was attended in person by radar experts from National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) in nine ASEAN Member States (Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam) and Bangladesh. Representatives of JMA and the WMO Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific, a member of the WMO Joint Expert Team on Operational Weather Radars (JET-OWR), radar experts from JMA and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), and independent radar experts from Japan, Spain and Switzerland were also in attendance either in person or online.

    The major objectives of the workshop were to develop Southeast Asian countries’ capacity for weather radar operation, maintenance, quality control and data exchange via the sharing of basic expertise in related areas, including dual-polarization radar, quality control techniques, calibration and recent developments in radar data exchange (such as data formats and the status of the Southeast Asian radar network).

    A number of presentations and hands-on sessions were given, and practical matters were discussed. The final stage involved a general recap and a commitment from attendees to develop national and regional capabilities in the field of weather radar.

[Workshop Program]
    1 Opening Ceremony
    2 Key Speeches
        2.1 WMO Activities on Operational Weather Radar [PDF]
        2.2 Radar Network in Southeast Asia [PDF]
    3 Workshop Sessions
        3.1 Country Reports
            Bangladesh / Brunei / Cambodia / Indonesia / Lao PDR
            Malaysia / Myanmar / Philippines / Thailand / Vietnam
        3.2 Basics of Weather Radar [PDF]
        3.3 Basics of Dual-Polarization Weather Radar 1 —Introduction— [PDF]
        3.4 Basics of Dual-Polarization Weather Radar 2 —Quality Control— [PDF]
        3.5 Practical Study of Weather Radar 1 —Operation & Maintenance— [PDF]
        3.6 Practical Study of Weather Radar 2 —Calibration— [PDF]
        3.7 Radar Applications 1 —Dual-Polarization Radar Application— [PDF]
        3.8 Radar Applications 2 —Doppler Velocity— [PDF]
        3.9 Radar Applications 3 —Open Meteorological Radar Software Constellation— [PDF1 / PDF2 / PDF3]
        3.10 Radar-Related Topics 1 —A Case Study of Hail Detection in Thunderstorms— [PDF1 / PDF2]
        3.11 Radar-Related Topics 2 —Hail Analysis in Northern Thailand Using Dual-Polarimetric Radar—
        3.12 Radar Data Exchange and Format [PDF]
        3.13 Regional Radar Network and Radar Data Exchange [PDF]
        3.14 Summarization of the Training Workshop [PDF]
        3.15 Technical Tour
    4 Closing Ceremony

[Final Report]
    Final Report

Group photo
Group photo
Presentations, hands-on session and technical tour Presentations, hands-on session and technical tour Presentations, hands-on session and technical tour Presentations, hands-on session and technical tour
Presentations, hands-on session and technical tour