Home > News Releases > Technical Visit by Singapore Contingent re. ATM-tailored Weather Services in Japan

Technical Visit by Singapore Contingent regarding ATM-tailored Weather Services in Japan

Officials from the Meteorological Service Singapore (MSS), the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS), the Singapore Prime Minister's Office (PMO) and Singapore's Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) paid a technical visit to Japan from 14 to 16 February 2024 to learn about dedicated weather services provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) to support the air traffic management (ATM) operations of the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau (JCAB).

The contingent first visited JCAB's ATM Center in Fukuoka, where forecasters from JMA's Air Traffic Meteorology Center (ATMetC) are stationed to support ATM officers. This was followed by a stop at the Tokyo Aviation Weather Service Center at the Tokyo International (Haneda) Airport, where ATMetC's Tokyo Metropolitan Area Team provides specialized services to ATM Center Traffic Management Units in areas concerned. The forecasting and observation sections of the Aviation Weather Service Center also provide meteorological information for this airport and others. A visit was also paid to JMA Headquarters in Tokyo, where en-route aviation weather information is issued and staff working in strategy development and operation planning are based.

The visit provided good opportunities for officials from both countries to consider the importance of collaboration incorporating ATM and meteorological communities toward optimal ATM-tailored weather services.

Photo 1 Photo 2 Photo 3 Photo 4 Photo 5 Photo 6 Photo 7 Photo 8 Photo 9
Top left: ATMetC head YASUTA Yuko welcoming the Singapore contingent
Top center: ATMetC forecaster overview of the Center and its services
Top right: Q&A on ATMetC services
Middle left: regular pre-shift weather briefing observation
Middle center: group photo in front of ATM Center
Middle right: visit to Tokyo Metropolitan Area Team
Bottom left: visit to forecasting section of Tokyo Aviation Weather Service Center
Bottom center: visit to observations section of Tokyo Aviation Weather Service Center
Bottom right: visit to JMA HQ operation room