- The JMA/WMO Workshop on Quality Management in Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations was held at the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan, from 27 July to 30 July 2010.
Twenty-two experts from 20 National Meteorological and Hydrological Services (NMHSs) participated in the Workshop, including WMO representatives.
- The Pilot Project to enhance the availability and quality management support for NMHSs in surface, climate and upper-air observations is coordinated by JMA and the some 15 Members of Regional Association II (RA II, Asia) of WMO nominated their experts to become members of the Pilot Project Coordination Group.
- With a view of improving the quality management support for NMHSs of RA II in surface, climate and upper-air observations and the availability of accurate and compatible data on a sustainable manner, the workshop reviewed:
- user requirements from major application areas essential to NMHSs activities, such as climate services, disaster prevention information and numerical weather prediction,
- presentations made by lecturers, country report presentations, survey results on quality management in observations in RA II, and
- presentations made by JMA specialists made during the visit to Meteorological Instruments Center (MIC), Regional Instrument Centre (RIC), Aerological Observatory and Meteorological Research Institute (MRI) in Tsukuba and JMA facilities.
- The workshop identified a number of issues regarding the implementation and operation of surface, climate and upper-air observations, from the analysis of the Questionnaire on the Surface, Climate and Upper-air Observations and Quality Management in RA II and developed a set of recommendations for Members, Pilot Project and for the WMO Secretariat to consider.