For potential DCP operating organizations

Key technical specifications of DCPs for Himawari-DCS

DCPs are expected to transmit their data with a fixed time-interval. Himawari-DCS employs a time-sharing system to accommodate many DCPs per channel.

  • Radio frequency channels
    Radio frequency channels for DCPs are allocated by JMA within the frequency band 402.0685 - 402.4000 MHz.
  • Mode
    Time-sequential mode (time slots are typically two minutes each)
  • Data transmission rate
    100 bps (or 300 bps)
  • Bandwidth
    1.8 kHz (for 100 bps and 300 bps)
  • Typical equipment required in addition to observing instruments
    A transmitter with 5, 10 or 20 Watts of output and a directional antenna

Arrangements for operating a new DCP

Those wishing to use Himawari-DCS to collect meteorological or tide/tsunami data from their stations should read the Guide to the Use of the Data Collection System of the Himawari series of satellites (Himawari-DCS) along with its annexes, and follow the instructions for applying to JMA to use the system. Please note that not all applications can be accepted due to the radio frequency channel availability limitations of Himawari-DCS.

Download the relevant documents here