
News Release

HiRID and WEFAX will be discontinued in December 2007

Japan Meteorological Agency
30 Mar. 2006

Since the commencement of MTSAT-1R's operation, HiRID and WEFAX imagery have been provided by MTSAT-1R as transition measures for users of S-VISSR and/or WEFAX imagery, which had been disseminated with GMS-5, in addition to new HRIT and LRIT imagery.

As announced on 8 December 2004, broadcasting service of HiRID and WEFAX imagery will be discontinued at the end of 2007, and only HRIT and LRIT imagery will be disseminated thereafter.

JMA encourages users who use HiRID/WEFAX receiver and wish using MTSAT-1R imagery continuously to contact the manufacturer of your receiving equipment, or users will not be able to receive MTSAT-1R imagery on and after January 2008.