
News Release

The observation by MTSAT-1R is being interrupted since 16 UTC on 16 April 2006

Japan Meteorological Agency
17 Apr. 2006

The telemetry from the satellite in the main frequency band could not be received from 1557 UTC through a little before 20 UTC 16 April 2006. Since the telemetry from the satellite in the emergency frequency band (USB) has been constantly received from the satellite through the above interruption, it is likely that there was something wrong with the posture (attitude) of the satellite. The posture (attitude) of the satellite has been recovered since around 20 UTC 16 April 2006 after taking the proper measures.

The satellite has been making satisfactory progress by the prescribed procedure (commanding from the ground system of the satellite).

The time of resumption of operational observation has not yet been fixed, and will be announced shortly.