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Visit by the Deputy Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization
(13 and 14 January 2015)

Jeremiah Lengoasa, the Deputy Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), visited the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) on 13 and 14 January 2015 in conjunction with his attendance at the Tokyo Conference on International Study for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience (held from 14 to 16 January).

On 13 January, Mr. Lengoasa paid a courtesy visit to Noritake Nishide, the Director-General of JMA and Permanent Representative of Japan with WMO. Mr. Nishide briefly explained JMA's efforts, and the two leaders exchanged views on the collaborative relationship enjoyed between JMA and WMO.

On 14 January, Mr. Lengoasa was given a tour of JMA's operational centers and an overview of how JMA fulfills its international and national roles.

A visit by the Deputy Secretary-General of WMO
Courtesy visit to Mr. Nishide
A visit by the Deputy Secretary-General of WMO A visit by the Deputy Secretary-General of WMO
A visit by the Deputy Secretary-General of WMO A visit by the Deputy Secretary-General of WMO
Tour of JMA's operational centers