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Ishigakijima recognized as a long-term observing station by WMO

The Ishigakijima Meteorological Office – a facility of the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) located in southern Japan – was recognized by WMO as a long-term observing station in 2017 after over 120 years of ongoing meteorological observations there. The Office was established on 5 December 1896 and has hosted meteorological observation work ever since.

WMO recognizes long-term observing stations based on the following concept:
Long-term meteorological observations are a part of the irreplaceable cultural and scientific heritage of mankind that serve the needs of current and future generations for long-term high quality climate records. They are unique sources of past information about atmospheric parameters, thus are references for climate variability and change assessments. To highlight this importance, WMO has a mechanism to recognize centennial observing stations. By so doing, the Organization promotes sustainable observational standards and the best practices that facilitate generation of high-quality time series data.

The WMO certification

To celebrate this achievement, a ceremony was held to unveil a WMO memorial plaque at the Office on its anniversary, 5 December 2018.

At the ceremony, Office director Futoshi Nozaki said, “I'm honored that we're able to display this memorial plaque today. I appreciate all the support generously provided by everyone concerned.” In addition, Naoyuki Hasegawa, Director-General of the Observation Department at JMA Headquarters, expressed the Agency's determination to continue high-quality observations, saying, “Long-term and high-quality meteorological observation records are crucial, and many years of assiduous observations are now recognized. This plaque represents our pride in our long-term efforts as well as our commitment to ongoing high-quality observations based on state-of-the-art science and technology, which should contribute to improvements in everyday living.”

memorial plaque observation field
The memorial plaque marking the certification of the Ishigakijima Meteorological Office
The observation field of the Ishigakijima Meteorological Office
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The unveiling ceremony for the memorial plaque at Ishigakijima Meteorological Office